If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, please send your question to info@myrecipemagic.com

Q. Can I get recipes from other sites and put them with my recipes?

A. Yes. This is done by using the collection bookmarklet. Watch the how to video HERE.

Q. Why can't I see my profile page?

A. You must be logged in to see your profile. You can see if you are logged in or not by going to the home page and looking in the top right corner. If you are logged in then you will see your profile picture. If you are not logged in you will see a button that says "login". Click on that button then enter your email and password.

Q. How do I stop following someone?

A. Just go to that person's profile page and click on the "following" button below their name. It will change to "follow" which means you are not following them at that time. You can also go to your profile page, click on the "following" tab and it will give you a list of the people you are following. On the right side of each name is a "following" button. You can click that button also if you want to unfollow.


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