German Chocolate Cake was actually invented by a Dallas, TX housewife named Mrs. Clay. She used Samuel German's dark chocolate that he created in New York City in 1852. Get recipe.

Although the
fortune cookie's inventor is under some dispute, it is known that the cookie recipe itself is based on a Japanese cracker called
senbei. The
fortune cookie was popularized in the early 20th century in California, but as Jennifer Lee noted in her
New York Times article, "[T]here is one place where fortune cookies are conspicuously absent: China."
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Thinly sliced roast beef on a French baguette dipped in mouth-watering a-jus hails from the good ole' U S of A. Two
Los Angeles restaurantsclaim the invention of this sandwich.
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There are no less than three people considered to have invented
pasta primavera. The trio, Ms. Maccioni, Mr. Giobi, and Jean Vergnes, were all connected in some way to the owner of
Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni. In any case, the dish was introduced in the 70s in New York and has been a favorite among pasta lovers ever since.
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While it is widely argued over who actually did the inventing, the resulting chimichanga was a burrito accidentally dropped into a deep fryer, right here in America. Get recipe.

Doritos were first introduced in the "Casa de Fritos" at Disneyland in the 1950s. They are cut and fried from tortillas and use a Mexican spice for flavoring. Make them at home.

People from Georgia would be outraged if someone else tried to take credit for this masterpiece. Get recipe.

In 1922, Walgreens employee
Ivar "Pop" Coulson made a milkshake by adding two scoops of vanilla ice cream to the standard malted milk drink recipe and the rest is history.
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